Ricky's Blog


2021 的 Top 3


2021 - 传说中被偷走的一年 电视剧 献给两部韩剧+Daniel Sloss 机智医生生活1/2 没什么好说的了,不好看我赔钱? 请回答1988 也没什么好说的了,这个已经算经典了。 申PD求求了再拍些剧吧。 Daniel Sloss: Live Shows ⚠️:Couple不宜 2集脱口秀,全程无尿点,Dark到极致的幽默。 这个绝对...



关于FB和第一份工作 在入职2个月的这个周五(3.19),经历了FB 几个月来的第一次SEV0[1] (Instagram,Facebook, Whatsapp还有内网)全部挂了30分钟。组里的同事纷纷表示,之前发生这样严重的事件还得追溯到几年前了。这也让我想起了我几年前去FB 找朋友玩的时候,碰到了几年一遇的停电(or 史上第一次公司大面积停电?)可能我和公司真的有点五行相克吧。 不过...

VLDB Paper reviews

What's the new sexy in the DB world?

1. [Best Paper] Opportunities for Optimism in Contended Main-Memory Multicore Transactions Wow, this is cool: We evaluate several concurrency control designs under varying contention and varying workloads, including TPC- C, and find that implementation choices unrelated to concurrency contro...

Latency Numbers Every Programmer Should Know

Archived from the Internet

Source: https://gist.github.com/hellerbarde/2843375 Latency everyone should know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 L1 cache reference ......................... 0.5 ns Branch mispredict ............................ 5 ns L2 cache reference ........................... 7 ns Mutex lock/unlock ..........

2020的Top X


2020 宅家的一年,在小白到来前的幸福源泉们。 电影 Friday night movie night选电影的时间越来越久了…看一部烂电影的体验是真的难受 今年看过的最好的几部: 素媛 最孤独的人最亲切,受过伤的人总是笑的最灿烂,因为他们不愿让身边的人承受一样的痛苦。 之前听说这是一部很虐很虐的电影,在快乐毕业的那个晚上鼓起勇气看了。可能是因为做了太多的思想...

Architecture of a Database System Summary

Architecture of a Database System - Redbook reading series

Well, wish I had found this mini-book a bit earlier. But still, this is a really great read! It covers basically all aspects of a database system. What I like the most is that the author also gives industrial practice on each of the component. I think a couple of things that the author points ou...



2019年的愚人节前后,拿起手机看到的是CMU来的一封邮件。当时的我,已经做好了去哥大体会下纽约上等人的准备,迷迷糊糊地点开了根本没什么期待的邮件。毕竟这是连当时和我一起实习我特别崇拜的S老师都拒绝的学校,怎么可能看上我。 果然,Thank you for your patience…… 这种开场白我可是太熟了。 就像是步行街上JR们发的表白截图一样,“你是个好人,但是……“ 我都已经准备...

CS410 Book Report

Book report on The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System

Introduction This was originally written for book report assignment of the CMU’s OS class. I did not manage to finish the entire book during the semester (of course I did not lol.) but cherry-picked some of the chapters. Book Link Question 1: Educational value of material What was the m...



上课的时候其实读东西没有那么的规律,很多早上的时间不是上课就是OH了。更多的是吃早饭的时候刷刷手机,然后就开始学校相关的东西了。毕业了花了点时间把一些好的资源整理下,顺便想了个小策略: 早上15-20分钟浏览各个地儿的headline,然后mark as to read 晚上/周末慢慢看需要精读的 [​​ 🚀这是个小目标^] 另外,把博客(还有记笔记到博客的workflow...

Virtual Memory

OS notes

Virtual Memory How to run different programs if they assume they are the only program running? All the .o files share address space, and the linker would merge them together into a continuous chunk Non-Solution Programs take turns to run BAD: this could be slow Lin...